

十大网络彩票平台大全的艺术硕士是48学分.,最终学位,可在短短两个学年完成. However, once admitted to the program, 学生有五个学年来完成课程要求. 这为那些有兴趣在工作或履行其他承诺的同时完成MFA的人提供了灵活的安排机会.  

Program Requirements

Course Name Credit Hrs.
Craft 1 3
Interdisciplinary Practice 1 3
Writing Mentorship 1  3
Residency 1  3
Craft 2  3
Interdisciplinary Practice 2  3
Writing Mentorship 2  3
Residency 2  3
Craft 3 3
Interdisciplinary Practice 3 3
Writing Mentorship 3 3
Residency 3  3
Writing Mentorship 4   3
Creative Thesis     3
Residency 4     3
Capstone Prep/Presentation 3
Total Credits 48


Residency 1,2,3, & 4

Course description: 在这八天密集的实习经历中,学生们会参加工作坊, seminars, lectures, panel discussions, individual meetings with mentors, and public readings. 每次驻留的内容将由访问教师创建, as well as by the Program Director. 访问教师必须在每次驻留期间教授或参加至少一个编程活动, 建议的课程和住院医师经验的新内容将由访问教师提交给项目主任批准. 在学生的第四次实习期间,他们将展示他们的顶点演讲, 参加同龄人的演讲, 并公开朗读他们的创意论文. 

Course Goals: Improve creativity, originality, and skill in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novel, young adult, 文学类型写作包括旅行, or food writing; produce and revise work; demonstrate the skills of written and oral critique of one’s own work as well as peers’ work, 参与批判性学术著作, 为专业化创造机会.

Catalogue Description: 实习经历可能包括工作坊, seminars, lectures, panel discussions, individual meetings with mentors, public readings, or other applicable content.

Writing Mentorship 1,2,3, & 4

Course description: In Writing Mentorship, 学生将与各自领域的教师一对一合作,为他们在项目中的时间创建一门学习课程, 在他们的特定类型或子类型中产生独特的作品, 以及随着工艺的发展而工作的车间. 
Course goals: Improve creativity, originality, and skill in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novel, young adult, literary genre, travel, or food writing; produce and revise work; demonstrate the skills of editorial practice. 

Catalogue Description: 流派特定和个性化的学习课程,将提高创造力, critical thinking, originality, 以及制作创造性作品的技能.

Interdisciplinary Practice 1,2, & 3

Course description: 与项目主任和HFU教师合作,学生开发一个独特的课程指导, 在课程的前三个学期独立学习. 这门课程可能包括文学研究, 实习和专业化的机会, research opportunities, pursuit of grants, editorial work, other graduate courses at HFU, teaching opportunities, etc. 

Course Goals: 支持学生的写作,同时为他们提供通过写作相关经验发展新技能的专业化机会. 

Catalogue Description: 流派特定和个性化的跨学科研究课程,将提高创造力, critical thinking, originality, 以及创造创造性工作的技能,同时为社区参与和专业化提供机会.

Craft 1,2, & 3

Course description: 手工课提供了一个专注于写作元素的课程.  这门课的核心是仔细阅读已出版的作品, 但学生也可以通过一系列的文章来回应作品. “Craft,” for example, 可以参考编结论文的研究吗, graphic novel forms, magical realist fiction, neo-formalist, or free verse poetics, as brief examples.

Course goals: Identify, critically read, and implement core terminology associated with each genre; analyze published work to gain models for students’ own writing; generate ideas for original work.

Catalogue Description: 以文学分析和批评为重点的特定体裁的工艺调查. 这门课程也可能是跨学科的. 

Creative Thesis

Course description: 所有学生将在二年级下学期参加创意论文课程. 学生将在导师的指导下完成一篇有凝聚力的写作作品. 论文将由学生的论文指导老师和至少一名其他教师阅读者进行评估. 

Course goals: Demonstrate ability to write and revise own work on a schedule; produce a complete final thesis for evaluation.

Catalogue Description: 流派特定和个性化的学习课程,将提高创造力, critical thinking, originality, 以及制作一本书长度的作品的技巧.

Capstone Prep/ Presentation

Course description: 所有学生都将在第二年的下学期参加凯普斯通预科/演讲. 在凯普斯通预备课程中,学生将与他们的论文指导一起制定个人阅读/学习的指导课程,这不仅有助于学生的论文写作,还将帮助学生准备一篇关于工艺的论文,该论文将在学生的最终实习期间以30 - 45分钟的讲座形式进行展示. 

Course goals: Demonstrate ability to read, interpret, and synthesize criticism within one’s field of study; produce work within one’s field that is rigorous and reflective of current academic standards; Demonstrate ability to present work and engage in critical dialogue within the field of creative writing.

Catalogue Description: 特定体裁和个性化的学习课程将导致学术论文的组成, publishable craft essay.